Female Sociolinguists

Joan Pujolar Cos jpujolar at UOC.EDU
Wed May 25 09:10:42 UTC 2005


An important figure in European Sociolinguistics was Brigitte 
Schliebenlange (1943-2000). I think she was based in Tübingen, 

I am not the person to gloss her enormous work. Some German 
colleagues may be able to. In any case, she died while I was 
participating in a special issue of the journal Grenzgänge, number 
14 (2000), where Jürgen Erfurt (based in Frankfurt) included a 
brief gloss (in German) of her academic trajectory.

Fins aviat,

Joan Pujolar
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Av. Tibidabo, 39-43, planta -1
08035 Barcelona

Tel: (+34) 93 254 21 30
Fax: (+34) 93 417 64 95

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