NEW BOOK: 'Gender and Language: Theory and Practice' (Litosseliti, 2006)

Litosseliti, Evangelia L.Litosseliti at CITY.AC.UK
Sun Mar 12 15:02:19 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues,
Please see the attached for information on this new book, including a form for libraries and inspection copy requests.
If you have any suggestions as a result of using this text for your own work as well as with students, I would love to hear from you.
With best wishes,
Lia Litosseliti
Attachment text follows

Lia Litosseliti


Gender and Language: Theory and Practice offers a broad and accessible introduction to the study of gender and language for those new to the subject. The book introduces both theoretical and applied perspectives, identifying and explaining the relevant frameworks and drawing on a range of activities/examples of how gender is constructed in discourse.

The book is divided into 3 parts. Part I covers the historical background to the study of gender and language, moving on through past theoretical approaches to a discussion of current debates in the field, with a particular emphasis on the role of discourse analysis. In Part II gender is examined in context, with chapters focusing on gender and language in education, the mass media, and the workplace. Finally, Part III briefly looks at key principles and approaches to gender and language research, and includes activities, study questions, and resources for teachers in the field.

Rich with examples and investigative activities drawn from current debates and events, this book is designed to be appealing and informative and will capture the imaginations of readers from a range of backgrounds and disciplines.

Dr Lia Litosseliti 
Lecturer in Linguistics 
Department of Language and Communication Science 
City University 
Northampton Square 
London EC1V 0HB, UK 

l.litosseliti at <> 


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