Romance Gender Research Summary

Maria Lucia Rocha-Coutinho mlrochac at IMAGELINK.COM.BR
Wed May 16 14:52:46 UTC 2007


I am a professor at the Psychology Department of the Federal University of 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  I don't know if that's what you are looking for 
exactly, but I have been working on social discourse and the construction 
of gender and identity in Brazil.  If that interests you, I can send you a 
list of my publication.  Maria Lúcia Rocha-Coutinho.  At 08:41 15/5/2007 
-0500, you wrote:

>On May 7th, I posted a request here for information on researchers who
>investigate issues of gender and/or sexuality in Romance Languages.
>“I am in the beginning stages of compiling a list of researchers who
>work on issues of language and gender in Romance languages such as
>Spanish, French, Italian, Portguese, Catalan, Gallego, or Catalan.
>Do any of you know of some researchers and/or articles or books which
>target these languages?“
>Here are the responses.
>Thanks to all who responded. I hope I have not left out any responders.
>If so, let me know.  ­ Richard Cameron
>1) From Susan Ervin-Tripp:
>“I wrote an article on gender which reported an experiment on the
>semantics of gender, using Italian speakers. it was published as follows:
>Ervin, S. M. (1962).  The connotations of gender. Word, 18, 249-261.”
>2) From Marisol del-Teso-Craviotto
>“I have worked on Spanish and gender and sexuality issues. This article
>may be of interest to you:
>2006 "Language and sexuality in Spanish and English dating chats."
>Journal of Sociolinguistics. 10(4): 460-481.
>I'm also working on the revisions of an article that will appear in
>Discourse Studies. If you need further information, please let me
>3) From Jennifer Coates
>“You could contact Fabienne Baider (University of Cyprus) who works on
>language and gender issues in French and Italian, and Marcella de Marco
>(Roehampton University, London) who is working on a PhD on language and
>gender issues in Spanish and Italian.”
>4) From Fabienne Baider
>“I am Fabienne Baider, the person Jen Coates mentioned in her mail. I am
>only working on French. Sara Gesuato from the university of Padua is
>working on English and Italian.
>The Three big names of linguists in France working on gender:
>Anne Marie Houdebine  - university of paris
>Claire Michard  - ' used to work also in Paris
>Edwige Khaznadar ' universite de Toulouse
>Names can be found in the two main French speaking feminist journals:
>Nouvelles questions feministes (based now in switzerland)
>and Association des Etudes feministes (ANEF) based in France. “
>5) From Miriam Meyerhoff
>“You don't say if you are interested in Br. Portuguese as well as
>continental. If so, you might check out work by Ana Cristina Ostermann
>2006 Comunidades de prácticas de gênero no trabalho. In: Viviane Heberle,
>AnaChristina Ostermann and Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo (eds) Estudos de
>Linguagem e Gênero no Brasil. Florianópolis: Editora de UFSC.
>José Santaemiliano has a 2003 edited collection Género, lenguaje y
>traducción. Published by  University of Valencia. Individual papers deal
>with Spanish, Catalan, French. (Some in Spanish) Probably easiest to get
>this by contacting José directly. And he will have an up to date
>bibliography of work being done in CAtalan and Spanish.
>Joan Pujolar i Cos probably also has a good bibliography of people working
>on  Catalan (and Sp.?) and gender, since he does himself.
>Suzanne Fleischman used to work on gender and French. A paper in the
>Proceedings of the 3rd Berkeley Women and Lg Conference (those
>proceedings also a source for materials on Spanish in the US).
>6) From Olga Castro, , a pre-doctoral student at the Universidade de Vigo,
>in Galicia.
>I am currently doing research on Feminisms and Translation and, more
>specifically, I am preparing my Thesis on Language, Gender and Translation
>(Galician <> English).
>The most recent contribution I made was in April 2-4th 2007, when I
>presented a paper in Aberdeen at the International Conference of the
>Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Galician Studies
>panel) entitled:
>(Language and Gender: New Approaches Proposing Galician Linguistic
>As far as I am concerned, there are not many works being carried out on
>this topic in/about Galician (or galego). If you need any further
>information just let me know. I would be glad to help you.
>As for Spanish and/or Catalan, these are some of the names that come to my
>mind: Carmen Alario, Mercedes Bengoechea, Eulalia Lledó, Mercè Otero, José
>Santaemilia, Ana Vargas, María Ángeles Calero, Pilar Godayol.  “
>7) From Véronique PERRY
>“I've been working on gender in French compared to English and edited
>proceedings on feminisation / gender awareness in and on French, ELT and
>EFL in France, gender and language, queer issues, etc.
>I'm French and I know some French people who've worked on this touchy
>subject in France Here below are part of my publications.
>Coordination d’ouvrage collectif :
>Perry V. (2004a). Désexisation et parité linguistique : le cas de la
>langue française (dir.). Actes des Ateliers 3 et 30 du 3ème Colloque
>international de la recherche féministe francophone, Université Toulouse
>II ­ Le Mirail, 20 et 22 septembre 2002. Toulouse : ANEF (165 p.)
>¬    Perry V. (2002). De la grammaire à la sociolinguistique : tentative
>d’analyse du couple genre / gender en anglais et en français. Le genre :
>de la catégorisation du sexe. Le Feuvre N. (dir.). UTINAM, revue de
>sociologie et d’anthropologie 5.Paris : L’Harmattan, 115-133.
>¬    Perry V. (2003). Le « relativisme culturel de genre » en didactique
>des langues et cultures. Féminin / Masculin : Du genre et des
sexuées. Marro C. (dir.) Pratiques Psychologiques 2003-3, 21-37.
>¬    Perry V. (2004b). Pour une épistémologie du genre en linguistique de
>langue française (Présentation). Perry V. (dir.). Désexisation et parité
>linguistique. Toulouse : ANEF, 5-11.
>¬    Perry V. (2004c). Bicatégorisation et colonialisme linguistique : les
>enjeux du Queer. Perry V. (dir.). Désexisation et parité linguistique.
>Toulouse : ANEF, 115-124.
>¬    Perry V. (2006a). Catégories du genre linguistique et performativité
>: pour une expérimentation des « identités contextuelles de genre » en
>classe d’anglais. Langues-cultures et genre. Baurens M. (dir.). ELA, revue
>de didactologie des langues-cultures et de lexiculturologie (201-214).
>¬    Perry V. (2006b). Les catégories du genre linguistique et la logique
>du « tires exclu » en anglais et en français : quelles « normes »
>enseigner ? Actes de la journée « Les études genre à l’Université Toulouse
>II ­ Le Mirail, approches pluridisciplinaires, le 9 décembre 2005 (35-40).
>¬    Perry V. (2007a). Le genre grammatical et l’enseignement des langues
>: l’exemple du français face à l’anglais, aspects théoriques et idées de
>mise en œuvre. 50 fiches-ressources pour l’école. Préface de N. Mosconi.
>Coord. V. Houadec, mission Egalité filles ­ garçons, Académie de Toulouse
>(sous presse).
>¬   Perry V. (2007b). Gender identity and the tolerance to epicene
>pronouns: the case of French students entrenched in a binary gender
>system. Gender Query: Explorations of Identity, Expression, and
>Embodiment. Edited by Jakob Hero, Cambridge Scolars Press. (Sortie prevue
>mi-2007). “
>8) From  Kate Beeching
>“I work on French - (2002 book Gender, politeness and pragmatic particles
>in French, published by Benjamins) - and also edited volume with Nigel
>Armstrong and Cécile Bauvois (2001) La langue française au féminin (Paris:
>L'Harmattan). Most work on Language and Gender in French is being
>conducted OUTSIDE France in e.g. Belgium and Canada. “
>9) From Malka Muchnik
>‘Mercedes Bengoechea, from Alcala de Henares, has many publications on
>Language and Gender in Spanish.”
>10) From Tommaso Milani
>“You should start looking at Joan Pujolar i Cos' work on multilingualism
>and gender in Catalunya. There is also a forthcoming issue of Marges
>Linguistiques edited by Alexandre Duchene and Claudine Moise about
>language and gender/sexuality, but I am not sure whether they will deal
>specifically with Romance languages. In Italian there is the collection
>edited by Gianna Marcato (1995), Donna e Linguaggio. Padova: CLEUP.”

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