Fulbright Scholar Awards in Applied Linguistics '09-10 (fwd)

Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at LINGUISTICS.UCSB.EDU
Fri Aug 22 16:55:59 UTC 2008

I'm forwarding this on behalf of the Council for the International Exchange 
of Scholars. Please do not reply to me or the list.

Good news -- there's still time to apply for Fulbright Scholar awards in
applied linguistics and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)!
Awards are available for activities in the Middle East & North Africa,
Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Consider a Fulbright grant for
lecturing, researching, or both. Late applications are currently being
accepted for awards in the following countries:

Asia & the Pacific: Indonesia, Kyrgyz Republic, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
Taiwan, and Mongolia

Western Hemisphere: Guatemala and Mexico

Sub-Saharan Africa: Madagascar

Middle East & North Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, Morocco, Oman, and Tunisia

Northern & Eastern Europe: Poland (#9330), Hungary (#9266), Ukraine
(#9384), Albania (#9182), and Lithuania (#9306)

While each grant is different, a brief sampling of topics of interest
includes TEFL methodology, communications techniques, textbook analysis,
language learning software, and English for professional purposes. Language
and experience requirements vary, so feel free to contact us for more
information. US citizenship and a Ph.D. or its equivalent terminal degree
are required.

Apply online at:  http://www.cies.org/us_scholars/us_awards/. Contact the
appropriate CIES staff-member with questions:

Western Hemisphere: Joseph Graff (jgraff at cies.iie.org; 202.686.6239)

Madagascar: Debra Egan (degan at cies.iie.org; 202.686.6230)

Middle East & North Africa: Gary Garrision (ggarrison at cies.iie.org;

Asia: Lindsay Hench (202-686-7850)

Mary Bucholtz, Professor
Department of Linguistics
3607 South Hall
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3100
phone: (805) 893-5415
fax: (805) 893-7769

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