IGALA Policy on Local IGALA Branches and Local IGALA Events: updated information

Bengoechea Bartolomé Mercedes mercedes.bengoechea at UAH.ES
Tue Sep 22 11:46:27 UTC 2009

Dear GALA-L list members,
I have just realized the informatuion I sent before was not updated. Please, find IGALA policy on local IGALA branches or events updated below. Sorry about this.
 I do apologize.
 Best wishes,
Mercedes Bengoechea (Universidad de Alcala, SPAIN)



Local IGALA Branches and Events


IGALA welcomes the formation of local (e.g. national) branches and events provided they are consistent with the objectives and principles of IGALA. 


Anyone who wishes to start a LOCAL BRANCH must be a paid-up member of IGALA in good standing. She or he should start by contacting Mercedes Bengoechea (mercedes.bengoechea at uah.es), providing a description of and rationale for the branch, including details of activities, structure, organisation and likely participants. The description should also include likely benefits. Unfortunately, IGALA is currently unable to provide financial support. Local branches should submit a report of their activities annually; these reports would be reviewed at the annual IGALA (e-) Business meeting. The reports should be posted on the IGALA website.


LOCAL IGALA EVENTS may take the form of workshops, seminars or meetings. Anyone who wishes to organise a local event must be a paid-up member of IGALA in good standing. She or he should start by contacting Michelle Lazar (ellmml at nus.edu.sg), providing (a) a description of and rationale for the event, including details of activities, structure and organization, (b) the topic or focus, (c) likely participants, and (d) likely benefits. A local event would be expected to be organised in conjunction with the local branch, if any. For example, if IGALA members in a certain country wished to organise a workshop, where there is also an IGALA branch in that country, the workshop should be organised in association with the branch. The organiser of the local event is expected to encourage participants to join IGALA, and should submit a report after the event to IGALA.

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