Language and Virginity

Emek Ergun demiremek at YAHOO.COM
Wed Dec 15 21:05:55 UTC 2010

Dear Brian,

I actually conducted a discourse analysis on lesbian and bisexual women's virginity experiences years ago, though never got to publish it. If you would like I can send my paper to you, its references section might be of some help. Also Laura Carpenter has a book called, Virginity Lost. It might be helpful since she analyzes many interviews with a lot of people. Hanne Blank also has a book called Virgin: The Untouched History but it's a history book and only towards the end she talks about the contemporary perceptions of virginity in the US. I am not sure if that would be helpful to you.



Emek Ergun

PhD Candidate, Language, Literacy and Culture,

GA, Gender and Women's Studies Program

Academic IV - A Wing, Room 435

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

(tel) 410-455-2489

eergun1 at

--- On Wed, 12/15/10, Brian King <brian.w.king at VUW.AC.NZ> wrote:

From: Brian King <brian.w.king at VUW.AC.NZ>
Subject: [GALA-L] Language and Virginity
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 10:49 PM

Hello Everyone

I'm writing a chapter of my thesis and I need some advice on literature. In the 
chapter, I'm undertaking discourse analysis of some audio-recorded data of 
secondary school students in a sexuality lesson talking about virginity. I plan 
to analyse the ways in which the students treat 'virgin' as a sexual subject 
position and rework it as a category.

I haven't been able to find any literature related to language use and the 
concept of virginity. It seems surprising that there would be nothing out there 
on this topic, but I've searched high and low and come up with nothing. 

Is anyone aware of an article or chapter somewhere that explores this 
construct from a language/discourse perspective?

Thank you for your time.

Brian King
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

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