New book: The Language of Female Leadership

Dr Judith Baxter j.a.baxter at ASTON.AC.UK
Wed Feb 3 17:04:51 UTC 2010

Published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Could language be a reason why women are under-represented at senior level 
in the business world? The Language of Female Leadership investigates how 
female leaders actually use language to achieve their business, relational and 
transformational goals. The author proposes that the language of women 
leaders is shaped by the type of corporation they work for. Based on the 
latest research, three types of 'gendered corporation' appear to affect the 
way women interact with colleagues: the male-dominated, the gender-divided 
and the gender-multiple. This book shows that senior women have to carry 
out extra 'linguistic work' to make their mark in the boardroom. In male-
dominated and gender-divided corporations, women must develop an 
extraordinary linguistic expertise just to survive. In gender-multiple 
corporations, this linguistic expertise helps them to be highly regarded and 
effective leaders. This book is an invaluable resource to academics and 
students of language, gender and workplace discourse.

JUDITH BAXTER is Senior Lecturer at Aston University, UK. She has written 
and edited many publications in the field of language and gender, language 
and education and the language of leadership. She recently won a government 
award to conduct a major research study in the language of female leadership

*Special discount with the attached flyer – valid until 1st March 2010. This 
offer is available to individuals only. This offer is not available to our trade and 
library customers.  The offer is not available to customers in the US, Canada 
or Australia.

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