Call for chapter contribution proposals - Gender Representations in Learning Materials in an International Context

abolaji mustapha abolajimustapha at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 16 16:15:43 UTC 2012

Call for Chapter Contribution Proposals
Gender Representations in Learning Materials in an International Context
Edited by:
Professor Sara Mills (Sheffield Hallam University)
Dr. Abolaji S. Mustapha (Lagos State University/Sheffield Hallam University)
The issue of gender representation is one which has been vigorously debated within the UK and the US since the 1960s. Starting with a 
concern for the number of representations of women and men which appeared in textbooks, and the type of roles that they played, this 
type of study has developed so that rather than simply focusing on numbers, other factors have been considered: for example, adjective 
and adverb collocations with male and female actions; initiation speech acts for male and female participants, and moving outside the 
text, the form of interaction about the representations themselves, within the classroom, whether critical or backgrounded. It is this more 
complex approach to the analysis of gender representations which this volume aims to explore further.
Research on gender representation has largely focused on the US and the UK. Sunderland (2000) observed the dearth of gender and 
education studies in some countries - Africa, Islamic countries, Eastern Europe, South America and China, and called for more research 
in these areas. After over a decade, it appears that her call for studies in these countries has been taken up - there are many published 
articles appearing in academic journals on the topic of gender representation in this international context. What this volume aims to do is 
bring together this diverse research so that we can assess the state of play of gender representation in an international context.
We are seeking proposals for chapters that address gender representation in learning materials and classroom interactions from 
countries around the world.
Submission process: submit at least a 500-word proposal including - chapter title, author's name and affiliation, e-mail address, scope of 
the chapter, 4-6 keywords and a brief biography of the author by October, 2012. We, as editors, will write a general introduction to the 
book describing the research in the field and relating it to the international contexts. We will circulate this to authors, so that we can avoid 
duplication of material.
We hope that you will be able to submit a chapter to us for this proposed book.
Inquiries and chapter proposals can be submitted electronically (Word document) to the editors:
Sara Mills - s.l.mills at or Abolaji S. Mustapha - s.mustapha at; abolajimustapha at
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