YLMP2012 3rd Call for Papers

Łukasz Pakuła l.pakula at GMAIL.COM
Sun Feb 19 19:30:07 UTC 2012

Please could you pass on this call to any interested students/researchers.


Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań 2012

YLMP2012, 25–27 May 2012, Poznań, Poland


ylmp at ifa.amu.edu.pl

*YLMP2012 Congress: Call for Papers*

We are happy to announce that the Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań
(YLMP2012) will take place

on 25–27 May 2012 in Poznań, Poland. The Meeting will be organised by the
School of English,

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.


The leitmotif of the YLMP2012 Congress will be *Language in
context(s).* Proposals
of papers related to this main theme, as well as to other fields of modern
linguistics, are invited.

The suggested research areas for block sessions are as follows:

 >psycholinguistics / neurolinguistics / clinical linguistics

>cognitive linguistics

>historical linguistics

>language and meaning

>language and gesture

>language and technology

>language teaching methodology


>translation studies
>language and gender
>language and sexuality

We are also planning to organise a formal session. However, final decisions
regarding the session will depend on the number of prospective participants
willing to take part in it.

Each paper will be given 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion.
There will also be poster sessions.

 The language of the congress is English.

Apart from block sessions, there will also be plenary lectures, delivered
by our keynote speakers.

*Keynote speakers* already confirmed:

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk & Marcin Kilarski, Adam Mickiewicz
University, Poland

Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit/VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Michal Starke, University of Tromsø, Norway
Gerlinde Mautner, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Dennis Preston, Oklahoma State University, USA

Kevin Harvey, The University of Nottingham, UK

There will also be *thematic workshop sessions*. The areas we want to
concentrate on are neurolinguistics/clinical linguistics, lexicography,
corpus linguistics, language teaching methodology and language and

The workshop organiser(s) will be local as well as foreign specialists in
the above mentioned fields.

We are happy to announce that a *panel *devoted to *Language and
Communication in Media and Political Contexts* will take place during
YLMP2012. Please go to www.ylmp.pl/programme.html and then to the ‘panels’
bookmark for more details.


*Due to numerous requests, we decided to postpone
the main submission deadline to 2nd March 2012


Notification of acceptance for papers and posters: 20th March 2012

Registration deadline: 16th April 2012


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*Congress fee:  *€*35*

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*The venue


Collegium Biologicum, is located in the city of Poznań (more specifically
on a university campus Morasko). The CB building has lecture halls and
computer labs.

 Please visit our website for more exhaustive and up-to-date information.

Looking forward to seeing you in Poznań!

Honorary Organiser:
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk

YLMP 2012 Congress Organising Committee

Joanna Pawelczyk
Łukasz Pakuła
Dorota Jaworska

*Contact details:*

YLMP2012 Congress Organising Committee

School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University

Collegium Novum

al. Niepodległości 4

61-874 Poznań, Poland

tel: (+48 61) 829 3506

fax: (+48 61) 852 3103

email: ylmp at ifa.amu.edu.pl

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