Hello everyone!<br> <br> I am answering to the list as I would like all to read it..<br> <br> There´s unfortunately nothing to celebrate about women´s day here in Brazil, as we have pushed on ourselves 4 working shifts (house&children, working outside our homes and also working out to have "the perfect body" they show at the media, besides being perfect lovers) The superwoman ideal has come to stay, and we have been silly enough to buy it. In my research I have sensed that, no matter if the woman is economically independent or not, we still hesitate and are not assertive in what we want - may that be buying a car or getting a divorce.<br> <br> We women in Brazil still have to wash everybody´s clothes, be the mom´s of the year, and in addition, be super executives , look wonderful (wonderful to media patterns, let me say) and be practically professional lovers. If you don´t fit in this model, the first one to tell you must walk with the flow is another
woman. Religion here is another way of submission, not to mention a way to legitimate violence against women: you must obey, and all that we know about.<br> <br> Women are still being abused by your companions, and they put on their children´s shoulders all their discontent and pain. The cycle won´t stop until the next gal has a heart attack or is sent to rehab or even to a mental institution (in Pinel (RJ), the majority of patients consist on women. But who wouldn´t freak out, living under such pressure???)<br> <br> The eight of March is a date to make a LOT of noise, at least here in Brazil. I may sound some real nuisance, but everytime someone says : Happy women day, I stop to tell about this trap we´re stuck in, and we unfortunately reproduce to our children.<br> <br> May the next year be, finally, a year to celebrate.<br> <br> All the best <br> <br> Anabela Serpa<br> <BR><BR><P><FONT color=#006400>Knowledge of love is knowledge of
<P><FONT color=#006400>Pink Floyd.</FONT></P><p>
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