[gothic-l] Athanareiks = Heidrek?

Frank Kermes gevurah at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun Dec 3 01:29:26 UTC 2000

>  That's rather obvious. Time and again one comes across
>gothic nouns ending in -s, corresponding to protogermanic's
>-z and Norse -r. Take fish: fisk|a|z in its three morphems,
>which in ON becomes fiskr or fiskur. Its this correspondence
>-z to r I tried to hit at.

Obvious, and the result of my thinking out loud (or in print) <grin>

>So then, can germ. "aiza" can become Swe. "ära"
>etymologically; honor, respect, repute?
>  First, Frank points at this evolution being a rule when we
>are talking about _terminal_ /R/. It may seem a problem I
>guess that in aiza the -z- is not terminal.

Maybe a problem, but I was using the rule as an example of what can happen
to those particular consonant groups.

But I in the
>stem it is, since the stem could have been "haiz" (knowing
>that i.e. roots always started with a consonant and was
>constructed by two consonants and one vowel) and hence the h
>here a laryngeal, which disappeared in most languages.
> > . . .  wait, cognitive flash!
>Me too . . . contagious? :-D  What if the initial laryngeal
>was kept and thus gave origin to both hauhiths, *haiths,
>haid- and "heder" in addition to the dropped-laryngeal
>(h)aiza, ai(u)r, "ära"??
>I'd like to know what Matt thinks of this bold theory.
>I admit that when it comes to athan with a presumed stem of
>*hat- or *hath- is a little difficult to reconcile with the
>stem *haiz- (is it?) so Athanareiks and Heidrek may then
>have different origins but convey two different kinds of

They're all dental (or at least "frontal") consonants, and may be
interchangeable to some extent through various languages.

My original hypothesis was that "Heidrek" was substituted in a language
where the "Athanareiks" was no longer familiar.  Though another possibility
is that Heidrek (the /d/ actually being an /eth/ in the Herverarsaga MS.)
was a "contraction" of Athanareiks, where the voiced nasal /n/ in the
unstressed syllable was lost (cf. /ng/ in OE "Hengest"-ON "Hestr, though the
case ending is retained . . .  bad example, I guess).

But the "contraction" idea means that the laryngeal /h/ would have to be
added-(which might account for the raising of the vowel)- is that

Not that this question is a big deal to my research, it's just rather
interesting--and can be applied to other questions, too.

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