[gothic-l] Goths, Trojans, and the Mddle east

Anthony Appleyard MCLSSAA2 at FS2.MT.UMIST.AC.UK
Mon Dec 11 12:54:13 UTC 2000

  jrose at efn.org wrote (Subject: Re: The Langobards on Gotland):-
> King Henry the second claimed he was descended from Trojans, he kin
> to the Merovingians. He built a Labyrinth, a 'Troy Town' for Fair
> Rosamond.

That was most likely merely an intricately meandering path in spirals which
had to be followed as a religious penance. Anyone who got lost in it could
merely walk across the flowerbeds to get out. This merely proves that remote
names such as Troy were known of as exotica in mediaeval England. Compare
placenames such as Baldock on the A1 road in ?Nottinghamshire (< "Baghdad",
named by Crusaders); various minor places in England named Botany Bay and
Babylon and suchlike after remote places, because they were "miles from
anywhere". I read a guess that the common English hunting cry "Tally ho!" is
Palestinian Arabic for "come here!" brought back by returning Crusaders. It
does not mean that people from those various exotic places came to England.

   From: jrose at efn.org wrote (Subject: Re: Ostrogoths and Eagles):-
> The tribe of Dan was represented by an Eagle. Some conect the Danites
> with the Danes. Dan means "judge" the Judges in the Torah were the
> Nazarites. Albsalom was a Nazarite who led the rebellion of the ten
> tribes against Judah. I suspect he deliberatly hung himself in a tree
> by his long hair so he could travel to the Afterlife, the future as
> to see another way, other then killing his father, King David, as
> many Seers thought he must. While hanging in the tree, David's
> general pierced him in the side with a lance. The simlilarities
> between the worship of Baal-el and Wodin, are almost identical. ...

Erh??? Countless people have been killed by being speared in the side down the
ages of battles and murders. Need this be anything more than a coincidence?

> ... kin to the Herodians and thus the Macaabees ...

I thought that the Herodian line were Idumaeans = Edomites put on the throne
by Romans in usurpation of the Maccabean line.

, who some say are kin to the Merovingian Kings and King David.

After a few centuries of people's daughters marrying into other families,
likely quite a lot of the Jews of the time had a small bit of Davidic royal
blood in them.

> I have posted much evidence on a Davidic Bloodline as put forth in
> the book 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail'. I have posted a theory that
> Arthuri Flavius 'King of Lombards' was King Arthur, he sent there by
> emperor Maurice to look after Roman Anglo/Saxon interests during the
> Saxon invasions.

Likeliest Arthur was some local war-leader. People move about, and likely most
people have a few genes from all sorts of remote old ruling families.

> I also study 'The White Goddess' by Robert Graves, he saying refugess
> from Troy came to Britain, they kin to Gomer, the Cimmerins, and the
> Marcomani Kings. There is a genealogy on Priam. I am putting together
> a theory that David's son, Adonijah (Adoni, Adonis) was the Trojan
> Aeneas ...

Coincidence. "Adoniyah" means "my lord is [the god] Jah": that was a common
type of Hebrew name. "Adonis" may be Semitic for "lord" and he may be a
Semitic god whose worship found its way across the Mediterranean to Greece.

> who co-founded Carthage with Dido, daughter of King Belus the
> Phoenucian, also named, Elisha. Hannibal may be descended from these
> famous lovers, and is my candidate for Wodin, Hannibal loosing an eye
> in battle, he allying himself with the Burgundians, who are Romans
> who may have been loyal to Mark Anthony who lived in Septamania.
> Vergil also wrote 'The Messiac' in anticipation of a child about to
> be born to Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Adoni and John the Baptist
> were Nazarites, thus the double eagle? The 'Sons of Thunder' were two
> twins that sat at Jesus's right hand and left hand, and were
> Gentiles. He may have formed a Nazarite Government in Europe of
> Britain.

or the Klingons or the Greys might have had a hand in it? Come on, lets get
back to reality and to the Goths. Such as: can anyone recommend a good Gothic
textbook and dictionary for English-speakers which are now in print?

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