R: R: R: [gothic-l] Gen. 3

Giuseppe Pagliarulo g.pagliarulo at TIN.IT
Fri Oct 20 09:42:02 UTC 2000

Matthaius melida:

<<Do you think that 'adam' has to be an indeclinable name? I can't
evidence one way or the other that such names were declined. If no
articuloid and no inflexion is to be used, instances of the dative
where the optional preposition du is applicable would necessarily
employ it;
same for other optional prepositions.>>

No, I don't think Adam has to be indeclinable; in fact masculine
biblical names ending in a consonant (which are generally indeclinable
in Greek) are usually inflected as a-stems in Wulfila's translation:
Iakob, Abraham, Daweid, Iosef, *Ioses, Isak, Israel and Moses are
among these. Adam may well receive the same treatment.

Iosef Strawarila
                               Iþ gamain mis ist,
  hvaþro afleiþau; jainaþ auk aftra qima. (Parmainides)

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