[gothic-l] textbooks

M. Carver mcarver at CSULB.EDU
Sun Sep 3 19:54:10 UTC 2000

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I thought I would begin sharing some borrowings of Gothic words into Romance
languages. Here I give you A-F (by Gothic words) that have been borrowed
into such languages as Provencal (Pv), French (Fr), Basque, Old French
(OFr), Spanish (Sp), Portuguese (Pt), Catalan (Ct), Italian (It), Byzantine
Greek (Byz), Montenegran (Mont), and Breton (Br) and probably some I forgot.
I'll try to give you new letters of the alphabet regularly every month or


PS I apologize in advance for the messy formatting.

agatja    magpie    agasa Pv; agace Fr
agkja    pipe, leg    anche Fr
aifrs    terrible    afre OFr; afru Cors; afro OBr
aiskon    ask    assar Mont; eskatu Bas;
alisna    awl    lesina It; alesne OFr; alesna Prov, Sp
aliza    alder    aleso Sp
anahaspan    wind up    annaspare It
atleweins    treason    aleive Port
baggwiÝa    dwelling    baita HIt; baito Lang; baita, bei Gasc
bagks    bench    banco It; banc Fr, Pv, Ct; banco Sp, Pt
bala    blazed horse    ba¹las Byz
barsiks    perch (a fish)    perseg Ct
baugs    ring    bauc Pv; bou OFr
baursti    bristle, brush    bruza Sp; broca Pt
bausei    malice    boise OFr; bauza Pv
bautan    beat    buttar It
bazjan    make bare, weaken    basir Poit; sbasire It
bega    quarrel    bega It
bigardio    garden    caio breialo Gall
bilisa    henbane (a plant)    belsa Pv; velesa Sp
blagks    white, shining    bianco It
blas-    torch, flame    blasir Pv
blauts    bare    biotto It
blunds    blond    biondo It; blond OFr; blon Pv
bramjan    roar    bramire It
brammon    roar    bramar Pv; bramer Fr; bramare It
brands    fire    brandon Fr; brando Pv; brander OFr; brandar Pv
brands    sword    brando It; brant OFr; bran Pv; brandir Fr, Pv
brasa    coal    braza NIt, Pt; brese OFr; braise NFr; brasa Pr, Ct, Sp
brauÝ    bread    broa Pt
bridila    platter, stool    bardela Emil; bredola, berdola Pv; predola
Tosc; bredule Friaul; predella It
bristan    burst    bresta¹ SFr
briÝ    board    broi Pv, Bret, OFr
brugdjan    swing    brozi Lyon; bruzda¹ Gilh
brukja    fragment    brossa Ct; brousso Pv
bruns    brown, shining    bruno It; brun Fr, Pv
brustjan    bud    brostar Ct
bruton    bud    brotar Pv
bruts    bud    brot Pv; brou Fr
bruÝ    soup    brodo It; bro Pv; breu OFr, brou Ct
bruzdon    embroider    brustare It; brosder OFr; broidar Pv; brozlar Gal
buks    belly    buc OFr, Pv, Ct
burjo    building    bourio, bouro Sp
buska    log, piece of wood    büska Lomb; vusca Siz; buche Fr; busca Pv, Ct
darnjan    conceal    adarnir Parm, It
druÝs    cosy, lovely    drudo It; drut OFr, Pv
dwaligon    deceive    galiar Pv, Ct; galiador Sp
emaitja    ant    maz, Fr (dial.)
falda    fold    falda It; fauda Pv; falda Ct, Pt
falws    pale    fauve Fr
fiusa    bacon, fat    fioza Pv
filtur    felt    feltra It; feutre Pv; fieltro Sp
frisks    fresh    fresco It, Sp; frais Fr; fresc Pv, Ct
fulk    crowd, army    fouc Fr, Pv; folco It, Piem

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