[gothic-l] The Cult Alliance, was Gothic versus other Germanic languages

Bertil Häggman mvk575b at TNINET.SE
Tue Sep 12 18:26:44 UTC 2000

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Those peoples who believed in Gaut did not claim
being reborn Gods but children or grandchildren
of Gods and they were human. Gaut is an Odinistic
God but Gaut is more based on fertility, the creator,
the provider of semen and can also be connected
to the Mannus myth.

The warrior initiated is in both the Gautic and the
Odinistic cult symbolically killed and part of an army where
also the dead belong and contribute in battle.

The Goths believed that the new warrior took over the
weapons of the one killed and in principle personified
the old warrior. This could possibly be an explanation
why there are no weapons in the Gothic male graves.

As the Gothic kings were humans, children of Gods,
and at the initiation symbolically died and arose again,
this could explain why the Goths choose arianism.

The peoples joined in the same cult as the Goths would
be the Gauts/goetarna and gutarna/the Gotlanders, the
Danes, the Jutes, the Vinilian Vandals and the Lugian
Vandals, the Angles and the Saxons. The Swedes
differed by believing in the reincarnated God. The
Alemans, the Franks and the Bavarians belonged to a younger
tradition of forming tribes.


Bertil Haggman

If so, what proportion of the peoples historically known as Visigoths and
Ostrogoths that inmvaded Spain and Italy, are likely to have been Goths in the
strict sense and talked Wulfila's language, and what proportion are likely to
have been other Germanic peoples allied with them and talking other Germanic

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