[gothic-l] The origin of Wodhanaz

hrafnsnest <mimir@smithsys.net> mimir at SMITHSYS.NET
Tue Dec 17 18:21:54 UTC 2002

Hails All,

I don't see Wodhanaz as a development from an Asian wind-god, although the analog is there.  In order to begin to understand his origins, it will be necessary to look at the Indo-European sub-groups to see what were the common elements shared by them in relation to what we do know about Odhinn in the north.  Over the course of the next few days I will attempt to do so.

In the north, Odhinn was associated with the wolf, warfare, magic, and sacrifice on the one hand, skaldcraft, sovreinty, and wisdom on the other.  It is the wolf, warfare, and magical aspects that draw the Indo-European comparative elements together.

The "war-band" seems to be the common thread.  Not the "army", but the "shock-troops" if you will, the herr or Mannerbunds in Gmc. terms.  Granted, in the Gothic tradtion, the harjis numbered 3000, but according to Bavarian law the heri was 42, Anglo-Saxon 35, Danish 5, and Langobardic 4.  These are not armies, but raiding parties.
We find the same low numbers among the majority of the IE subgroups.  And in all cases, they are refered to as "wolves" or "dogs", or at the very least, the leader or deity has the wolf or dog element in his name.
More later.

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