[gothic-l] Re: "Eruli", "Goths", "Danes" and wherefrom the runes

Tore Gannholm tore.gannholm at SWIPNET.SE
Tue Dec 17 22:15:21 UTC 2002

>the Asa religion is not a Gothic heritage! We know very little about
>Gothic paganism, but one thing is certain. The Goths were the first
>Germanic people to convert to Christianity, already from the late 3rd
>century onwards.
>>  As the Heruli were a Gothic people it must be assumed
>>  that their arrival brought some elements from Gothic culture to
>>  Scandinavia.
>Again, the Goths of the 5th/6th century were Christians! In fact, a
>large part of the Heruls were likely also Christians, some of them
>even Catholocs as is suggested by tomb stone inscriptions from
>Concordia (see Fibinger). Those Heruls who had retained paganism, had
>likely nothing to do with the Asir gods, but from the archaeological
>remains of the Hegykoe group likely followed a syncretic form of
>steppe-nomadic Shamanism and Germanic and other paganism.
>Those Heruls who went to Italy after their defeat in 509AD, were
>likely Arian Christians.

Where do you find the reference that some Heruls went to Italy after
their defeat.

My references say Illyria ( close to present day Belgrad) and Thule

The defeat is normally put at about 505. Where do you find the year 509?


>They also must have included the highest
>ranking members of the Herulic royal clan, because otherwise they
>would not have been received by Theoderic. Similarly, those Heruls
>who joined the Langobards, may partly have been Christians. The
>remaining group which wondered around, starving and suffering abuse
>and defeat by Gepids likely included those Herulic elements which
>were composed of steppe nomads of ethinic
>Hunnic/Mongolic/Turkic/Alanic origin. The non-germanic names of their
>later federate kings like Grepes, Ochos, and probably Datius and
>Aordos would support this view. We must not forget that the Heruls
>were a multi-ethnic group. The non-Germanic and non-Christian
>components of the Heruls likely found it most difficult to seek
>integration among Langobards and Ostrogoths, which would have been
>the normal course of action otherwise.


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