[gothic-l] Sacred Mystical Crimea Places

george knysh gknysh at YAHOO.COM
Thu Dec 19 16:16:46 UTC 2002

--- Roman Kravchenko <roart at ecc.crimea.ua> wrote:
>  Gothic
> Christianity cannot be doubted. It is already
> attested
> in the early 4th c.

> Dear George Knysh
> I am engaged in photographing of places of stay
> Goths in Crimea -
> I ask to inform all written primary sources, known
> for you, where
> it is underlined acceptance of a christianity Goths
> in Crimea,
> I shall be very grateful!
> --
> Best regards,
>  Roman

Dobryj Den' Romane!

Vassiliev's "The Goths in Crimea" remains useful. But
you might like to consult some of the more recent
I.S. Pioro, KRIMSKAIA GOTIIA, Kyiv, 1990.
A.I. Aibabin, various articles of the 1980's and
1990's in the "Materiali po arkheologii, istorii,i
etnografii Tavrii"
M.M. Kazanskii, "O Germanskikh drevnostiakh
pozdnerimskogo vremeni v Krimu i Priazovie" in:
Mezhdunarodnaia konferetsiia 'Vizantiia i Krim' ,
Simferopol' 1997, pp. 48-51.

I think Vassiliev and Pioro would be the most useful
in tracing the Christianization of the Crimean Goths,
while the others would have additional archaeological
indicators concerning places to photograph.

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