crimean gothic

Fredrik gadrauhts at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Aug 13 20:42:47 UTC 2008

I think it's a little fuzzy about pronunciation of former b, d and g 
initially in crimean gothic.

Some times they seem to remain but other times they seem to become 

Since it seems to be as aspiration vanished from crimean gothic as in 
ano instead of hano, I guess b,d,g also were unaspirated.
And because of that they could have been pronounced very similar to 
the unvoiced p,t,k in some positions and therefor mistaken for such 
consonants by Busbecq.

If this is so there's no need for any explanation why inital b 
remains befor consonant in bruder but not in plut. The reason could 
just be that it sounds more as p than b befor l to some one who is 
not used to unaspirated b,d,g.

And hence would I suppose it would be better to keep b,d,g in writing 
even when Busbecq has written otherwise.
plut should then be blut and kriten (busbecq's eriten or criten) 
which probably had a long i should be greiten (using biblical ei for 
long i).

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