Principles of reconstruction.

llama_nom 600cell at OE.ECLIPSE.CO.UK
Sat Feb 9 23:23:17 UTC 2008

--- In gothic-l at, "ualarauans" <ualarauans at ...> wrote:
> I'm afraid I said much. Too much, that is. Hope Llama will not damn 
> me for destroying his plan...

Not at all. Great explanations.

--- In gothic-l at, Justïn <justinelf at ...> wrote:
> I'm just having a hard time figuring it out with the grammar.

Hi, Justïn. Sorry I dropped you in at the deep end with some of those!
;-)  If this business of reconstructing words is all still a bit
baffling, don't be daunted. It might be worth concentrating first on
getting a good understanding of the basics of Gothic grammar, from the
sounds of the language and how they're written, to the morphology
(inflectional grammar, word endings and other changes like vowel
gradation and reduplication). You can then see how it compares with
the grammar of other early Germanic languages: Old English, Old Norse,
Old High German, Old Saxon, etc. Once you've got a hang of the
grammar, and seen plenty of examples of cognate words, a lot of things
which seem arcane and confusing now will become intuitive. Good luck
with the learning!


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