Numbers and counting

Fredrik gadrauhts at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 3 14:33:01 UTC 2008

--- In gothic-l at, "se3k4life101" <se3k4life101 at ...> 
> How would you count numbers if you were just counting?
> Ains, twai, threis, fidwor, etc... ? Or would you just use the neuter:
> ain, twa, thrija, fidwor...?

I would use the neuter forms. I don't know if that is more correct than 
using masculine or feminine but since it seems as crimean gothic used 
neuter I think that's the better choice.

> Likewise, what if you were counting objects, like in english "object
> one, object two, object three..."? Would it agree with the noun? I
> feel like the numbers should be in some kind of singular form rather
> than as plural adjectives in this context. 
I don't know this either and I guess it's not very common to count like 
this. My guess would be that numbers agree with noun.
E.g. waurd ain, waurd twa, waurd thrija ktl.

> I've been wondering about this for awhile, so any help would be much
> appreciated. Thanks.

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