afairzjan, airzjan

llama_nom 600cell at OE.ECLIPSE.CO.UK
Tue Mar 18 05:31:24 UTC 2008

--- In gothic-l at, kyrus88rook at ... wrote:
> afairzjan, airzjan (WV1) is class1 right? short-stem syllable, so
Sing2,3, plur2 and Imp plur2 airzjis, airzjith, airzjith and airzjith,
not airzeis, airzeith, airzeith, airzeith? jith and jis do not look
right to me, though.

The root is long, even though it contains a short vowel, because it
ends in more than one consonant (r + z), hence the attested 3rd person
indicative singular 'airzeiþ'.

Long roots are:

1. roots which consist of more than one syllable (e.g. mikil-jan).

2. roots which end in more than one consonant (e.g. manw-jan).

3. roots consisting of single syllable containing a long vowel
followed by a single consonant (e.g. náuþ-jan).

(NOTE: Prefixes don't count as part of the root, so 'ga-lagjan' is a
short root.)

Short roots are everything else:

1. roots consisting of a single syllable containing a short vowel
followed by a single consonant (e.g. nas-jan, (ga-)lag-jan).

2. roots consisting of a single syllable containing a long vowel not
followed by any consonant (e.g. stô-jan).

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