Auhjodjus Þahainais

anheropl0x anheropl0x at YAHOO.COM
Sat Dec 25 08:57:49 UTC 2010

So I wrote this maaaaany months ago, and never shared it because... Well I got sidetracked. Hopefully some of you recognize this song: Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle. I came here seeking advice on some of the words, but did a lot of it on my own and with a fellow Gothic speaker in Russia. Looking at all of these past posts, you all put me to shame haha. But I would still like to share my work with you. In months past I have noticed some things that needed to be changed, but I did that on paper so I've not fixed the final draft that I posted.

By all means, tear it apart. I read a lot of what you guys say for neologisms and how you can just tell how a word is going to decline and what declension it belongs to fascinates me.

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