Visigothic Necropolis destroyed.

nodead4 nodead4 at YAHOO.ES
Wed Jun 19 15:02:07 UTC 2013

Thank you so much for your support to you both!

I don't know how actually it's useful this kind of things, but there's a signing petition marching on to the Public Administration to stop this injury. You can sign up if you want.

--- In gothic-l at, "nodead4" <nodead4 at ...> wrote:
> Well, the new is in spanish, so I'll write a brief synopsis of what is telling about. The necropolis was discovered three years ago, and then the government authorized that excavation. This is located in a neighborhood of Vicalvaro, Madrid. Now the government has declared "irrelevant" and "little interest" such finding, as it plans to build apartment blocks above. The gothic bones have been taken away and the plan is to destroy them, and all the possessions and metalwork found therein because, as commented again, there's no "interest" among the public administration for the finding preservation. 
> Just letting you know.
> All the best.
> Kaine.

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