Killing the Elderly

asulejma at YAHOO.COM asulejma at YAHOO.COM
Fri Feb 14 09:09:21 UTC 2014

I gave no conclusion, I just gave a possible connection.
 The physical and territorial "unity" of West and South Slavs lasted till arrival of the Hungarians in 896 AD.
 We are talking about the times when legends, myths and reality made equal influence in the sources, and could not be separated.
 A large number of Ragusan (Dubrovnik) sources designate medieval Bosnians as Goths. Bosnian women who lived there as servants were frequently named Gotice = Gothic Women. Even the theory of Gotomanija = the Gothic Origin of Bosnian Dynasty came from Ragusa.
 So we have a story of Goths in medieval South Slavic area, and why not a story of Slavs in East Germanic area. In one case Slavs were named Goths; in another they could be named Germans.
 In St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague is the Bust of Anna of Schweidnitz - the wife of Emperor Charles IV of Luxemburg with inscription: Anna de Bosna de Regno Dalmatie; she was of Schweidnitz - Jauer house with no ancestral ties with Bosnia or Dalmatia.
 The legends, pretensions and reality are usually well intermingled and could not be separated.


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