News website in Gothic, it's here

OSCAR HERRE [gothic-l] gothic-l at YAHOOGROUPS.COM
Mon Sep 1 15:36:13 UTC 2014

fer international I would go of the of course relates to mankind as a whole..... 

On Monday, September 1, 2014 4:39 AM, "d.faltin at [gothic-l]" <gothic-l at> wrote:

Perhaps some kind of principles for the creation of Gothic neologisms would be useful. I'm thinking of a set of rules, which allow the reader to trace back the idea behind a new word. For example:
1. Try to use only existant Gothic words according to the known rules of Gothic word formation.
2. If that fails, look for words in other ancient Germanic languages: Old high German, Old Saxon and Old Norse. If a suitable word is identify modify this word to the rules of Gothic word formation.
3. If that fails, look at modern Germanic languages and how they deal with the missing word. For example, "international" in modern German can be expressed by purely Germanic words like "länderübergreifend" . Translate the word back into Gothic.
PS for some country names that were unknown to Ulfilas one could try known descriptions. For example, China can in German be called "Reich der Mitte" (i.e. Empire of the middle) or Japan can be called "Land der aufgehenden Sonne" (i.e. country of the rising sun).

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