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<p>- Ammianus doesn't try to estimate the migration's size; Eunapius <br>
estimates 200,000; I don't know the context and don't know whether <br>
this is the negotiated crossing alone.<br>
- Treadgold estimates an imperial population of 16,500,000. This <br>
implies an average provincial population around 300,000.<br>
- Moesia Secunda is the most likely settlement area, because (1) it <br>
borders on Thervingia (2) it has similar climate and soil types to <br>
Thervingia (3) it has fewer cities, and more land, than Scythia <br>
Minor. This suggests lower population density and more available <br>
farmland. (4) The Moesian Goths had already settled in the Moesia <br>
- Many refugee populations are disproportionately composed of women <br>
and children. For instance the refugees from the last Balkan wars <br>
were about 65% female. Below about 100,000 people, I'd assume such <br>
demographics [e.g. for the Vandals]; above about 100,000 people I'd <br>
assume more-or-less balanced demographics.<br>
- When the revolt broke out, the rebels had no existing political <br>
infrastructure. We might point to the personal followings of certain <br>
leaders, the Roman military administration, or the various church <br>
organizations, but it's doubtful that the middle and latter would <br>
facilitate an armed rebellion (though the last could provide a <br>
diplomatic go-between and various non-military stuff).<br>
- Very few rebellions can mobilize more than 3% of the population in <br>
the war effort. That 3% includes militia and support units. The <br>
Yugoslav Partisans may have reached 5% in early 1945. The Chinese <br>
Communist Party probably reached 3% in Yenan in mid-1940, depending <br>
on local population estimates. The American Revolution peaked at <br>
about 3% for the rebels and somewhat less for the loyalists, but both <br>
sides had decades-old political infrastructure and the administration <br>
to raise regular armies.<br>
- 3% would imply 6,000 fighters and militia out of 200,000 people. <br>
Local rebels could swell these numbers, but would need to defend <br>
their territory, and might contribute very little to the deployable <br>
strength. Trans-Danubian groups could swell these numbers, but there <br>
were probably as many pro-Athanaric people as pro-Fritigern people <br>
still in Thervingia.<br>
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