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Uhtwo swe azgons<br>
atnehvida austaþro.<br>
The other Germanic languages seem to have two versions of the root for<br>
direction words, one with -r-, one without: *aus-tr-, *aus-ta-. The<br>
version with -r- is often used in compounds, such as *Austragutans, or<br>
the name of the East-Anglians attested in Bede: Éstrangli. To judge<br>
from OE éastan, ON austan, OHG óstana, OS óstan(a), we ought to have<br>
Go. *austana (swaswe Walhahrabns raihtaba qaþ), or perhaps the<br>
synonymous *austaþro, by analogy with 'iupaþro', 'innaþro',<br>
'fairraþro' -- although with no medial -a-: jainþro, which is what I<br>
was thinking of with 'austro', cf. fimfta. But maybe *austaþro is<br>
more likely, given ON austan, etc. and the regular Gothic -a-þro. <br>
Hence this revision. Intended scansion of that second line: x x x x /<br>
\ x -- following the Old English practice of allowing a heavy medial<br>
derivational syllable (i.e. one with a historically long vowel, or<br>
with a vowel followed by more than one consonant) to count as a<br>
secondary stress for metrical purposes. It might be objected that,<br>
where the Gothic scribes divided words at the end of a line by<br>
syllables, a consonant followed by 'r' is placed on the next line, as<br>
if belonging to the next syllable. But the syllable before such<br>
clusters is *not* treated as light in early Germanic verse, e.g.<br>
Beowulf 570b: brimu swaþredon = ú (x) / \ x. So that's the rule I'll<br>
aiþþau afmarzeins<br>
ana andjam sijai?<br>
Still toying with this idea. OE ende "end", has "border" (edge,<br>
limit, corner, direction) among its various meanings; ON endiland<br>
"borderland"<wbr>; cf. also Gothic: jah þan insandeiþ aggiluns seinans jah<br>
galisiþ þans gawalidans seinans af fidwor windam fram andjam airþos<br>
und andi himinis (Mk 13:27); and alla airþa galaiþ drunjus ize jah and<br>
andins midjungardis waurda ize (R 8:43). A question remains as to<br>
whether 'andjam' would need further qualification. Maybe safer to<br>
stick with 'markos' for the moment.<br>
Lang mel galiþan.<br>
Survives for now; I'll defend it as an accusative absolute (see<br>
Streitberg 251). Alternatively: faur lang mel/hveila galiþan; faur<br>
lang(a) galiþan -- cf. ON þat var fyr(ir) löngu liðit; Go. faur jera<br>
fidwortaihun (2Cor 12:2).<br>
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