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<p>--- In <a href="mailto:gothic-l%40yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroup<wbr>s.com</a>, "llama_nom" <600cell@...<wbr>> wrote:<br>
> There we go:<br>
> <br>
> <a href="http://www.oe.eclipse.co.uk/nom/drus.htm">http://www.oe.<wbr>eclipse.co.<wbr>uk/nom/drus.<wbr>htm</a><br>
> <br>
> Let me know if you spot any masculine pronouns or endings left over<br>
> from before the deer's gender change (when hind was hart); I <br>
*think* I<br>
> got them all...<br>
The only one I (seem to) have found is /Harduba was anaprangan/ <br>
which is translated "She was hard pressed". But this may refer <br>
to /þata airpo dius/ rather than to /si/ in the next strophe.<br>
A couple more comments while we are upon it...<br>
/waurhtida ijos du wargam/ - (ga)waurhta?<br>
/Wulþuweiseis/ "The glorious Visigoths" – but there's an opinion <br>
that it was rather PG. *wesu- or *wezu- "good" (with a lot of <br>
parallels in other IE languages) which accounts for Visi(goths). <br>
/suns selaizos sunnons broþar/<wbr>. Since sels is an i-stem, probably <br>
/fauhrtjan uns/. A typo!!! (ALARM!ALARM!<wbr>ALARM!)<br>
/Hvana ahjis, dwala, þatei usdreiban mageis?/ "Whom, fool, doest <br>
thou imagine that thou might drive out?" – perhaps, þanei usdreiban, <br>
no? And, forgive my pardonless teaching English to a native speaker, <br>
but is it not "thou mightest"?<br>
And I like your *niqis for "water monster" (or smth like this)!<br>
What worries me about our *raih(j)o:*raig(<wbr>j)o is whether the word <br>
could by some chance have a -hv-:-gw- alternation after Verner's <br>
Law. In which case we'd have Gothic *ráihv(j)o:*raiw(<wbr>j)o<br>
(cf. ahva:awi = OE ea:íg).<br>
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