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<p>havent heard from any members lately like llama nom,etc.....<wbr>everybody on vacation<br>
--- On Sun, 12/20/09, dciurchea <<a href="mailto:dciurchea%40yahoo.com">dciurchea@yahoo.<wbr>com</a>> wrote:<br>
From: dciurchea <<a href="mailto:dciurchea%40yahoo.com">dciurchea@yahoo.<wbr>com</a>><br>
Subject: [gothic-l] Cernunnos the one who SEPARATES (souls in the underworld) from lat. cernere<br>
To: <a href="mailto:gothic-l%40yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroup<wbr>s.com</a><br>
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:18 PM<br>
The name Cernunnos is generally interpeted as "the horned one". This is not correct as it is not only obvious(the sculpture in Paris is horned indeed) but would be "Cornnunos"( lat CORN=horn).<br>
Actually, in latin cernere = to sieve(germ sieben, fr cerner,tamiser) = to separate, that is the underworld character is selecting the souls of the dead in order to feed Draco/Nidhog( the underworld worm), as currently the devil is supposed to do in the Christian belief. <br>
Actually, as I showed in my previous post ("Getas Basileis. Historical Odin revisited" : <a href="http://tech.">http://tech.</a> groups.yahoo. com/group/ gothic-l/ message/10106) the Balaur(==Cernunnos= a kind of Baal subject) and Draco (==Baal==dragon) characters are transposed.The significance is clear if one has a look at wall painting in middle age monasteries at Cozia and Voronet (Romania):<br>
<a href="http://lh3.ggpht.">http://lh3.ggpht.</a> com/_9LzWzvq8pi0 /R9P9sZyOODI/ AAAAAAAAGdY/ -ULPr-tDFnw/ s640/IMG_ 0617.JPG<br>
<a href="http://lh5.ggpht.">http://lh5.ggpht.</a> com/_9LzWzvq8pi0 /R9QEcpyOOEI/ AAAAAAAAGdQ/ ou2vxjACo10/ s512/Apocalipse- Voronet.jpg<br>
The concept is conserved in the pagan folk dance "the goat", played in the country side (Romania) during the Christmas Eve. The young team of valliant young men of the village is wandering though the village with the "captured" goat, spelling every yard for he new year (or the winter to come). The goat is for Draco/Nidhog/ Dragon who is threatening the host's yard; the dancers offer themselves to kill(to chase) the goat and are rewarded by the host with money, drinks and food; so the yard and the house is safe for the winter. <br>
Scenario for ressurection (the Gets were supposed to believe in afterlife, see also Orpheus originating from Caucaland and probably Gilgamesh is containing a more elaborate description of the events):<br>
- All animals in the hell are horned, so the deceased is supposed to have some antlers with him to desguise himself into a local character, avoiding to be sized by Cernunnos and fed to Draco/Nidhog. <br>
- The deceased should be prepared with money (eventually gold torques and talants) to further convince Cernunnos to leave him alone, because ressurection is not possible without body. The ressurected king is supposed to wake up his wife in the grave nearby. She in turn should be prepared with vessels to make food and with combs for combing (teasing) the king's beard and to household in general. Of course, for Christians, the souls without sins go to heaven directly.<br>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]<br>
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