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29. w (i. e. u in the function of a consonant) had mostly the same sound-value as the w in English wit. After diphthongs and long vowels, as also after consonants not followed by a vowel, it was probably a kind of reduced u-sound. the exact quality of which cannot be determined. Examples of the former pronunciation are :—wens, hope ; witan, to know; wrikan, to persecute; swistar, sister; taÃhswÅ, right hand. And of the latter:—snáiws, snow ; waurstw, work; skaÄ‘wjan, to overshadow.
from page 12 of Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language (1910)
<a href="http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~kurisuto/germanic/goth_wright_about.html">http://www.ling.<wbr>upenn.edu/<wbr>~kurisuto/<wbr>germanic/<wbr>goth_wright_<wbr>about.html</a>
Lambdin is kind of vague in his book.
I think Bennett has a good explanation, but my copy is at work - I like to read it during my lunch break.
To: <a href="mailto:gothic-l%40yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroup<wbr>s.com</a>
From: <a href="mailto:gadrauhts%40hotmail.com">gadrauhts@hotmail.<wbr>com</a>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 18:51:39 +0000
Subject: [gothic-l] Re: I got difficulties in pronouncing words ending in 'w'.
Could some one link to any site or make some quotes from a book where the pronunciations are explained?
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
<a href="http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469230/direct/01/">http://clk.atdmt.<wbr>com/GBL/go/<wbr>201469230/<wbr>direct/01/</a><br>
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