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<p>Sounds interesting! :) Whete can I find it? Btw, you know the Gothic words well, but you wanted to use give as an imperative for you (you  give), which is: Gif, but you said giban. Your sentence literally means:<br><br>Giban mis thai brikan marja = to give me  them to break Marja<br><br>You want to say, give me a break, which is something like:<br><br>Ni skalt wisan swa ubila<br><br>I use ubils, but I don't know how to translate harsh here.<br><br>Another sentence:<br><br>Swe nu ik skuld qath = as now, I, spoke guilt<br><br>You rather mean:<br><br>Swaswe nu skal qithan =  As I should say now<br><br>And Oscar, although I know Herman, French and several other languages, I 'm Dutch, not German.<br><br>Op maandag 5 januari 2015 heeft OSCAR HERRE <a href="mailto:duke.co@sbcglobal.net">duke.co@sbcglobal.net</a> [gothic-l] <<a href="mailto:gothic-l@yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroups.com</a>> het volgende geschreven:<br>>  <br>><br>> ok....well ive gone over other lessons that were not texted as wulfila did...for example ragnars hall was one...but I can reread wulfilas translations....<br>><br>> On Monday, January 5, 2015 4:57 AM, "Dicentis a <a href="mailto:roellingua@gmail.com">roellingua@gmail.com</a> [gothic-l]" <<a href="mailto:gothic-l@yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroups.com</a>> wrote:<br>><br>><br>>  <br>> So according to you modern Gothic is a hybrid of modern English and Gothic? Our revival movement will stick to the ancient form.<br>><br>> Op zondag 4 januari 2015 heeft OSCAR HERRE <a href="mailto:duke.co@sbcglobal.net">duke.co@sbcglobal.net</a> [gothic-l] <<a href="mailto:gothic-l@yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroups.com</a>> het volgende geschreven:<br>>>  <br>>><br>>> time and evolvement changes their style of speaking their languages.....I think the same went fer gothic....goth in spain, france fer example differed from goths in the Crimean, Italy, etc....<br>>><br>>> On Sunday, January 4, 2015 7:52 AM, "Dicentis a <a href="mailto:roellingua@gmail.com">roellingua@gmail.com</a> [gothic-l]" <<a href="mailto:gothic-l@yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroups.com</a>> wrote:<br>>><br>>><br>>>  <br>>> Because Oscar doesn't speak Gothic, but English with Gothic words.<br>>><br>>> Op zondag 4 januari 2015 heeft <a href="mailto:capsicum.acre@gmail.com">capsicum.acre@gmail.com</a> [gothic-l] <<a href="mailto:gothic-l@yahoogroups.com">gothic-l@yahoogroups.com</a>> het volgende geschreven:<br>>>>  <br>>>><br>>>> Why do you think your Gothic idioms are better than Oscar's?<br>>>><br>>>><br>>><br>>><br>><br>>
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