Heritage: Call for papers: American indigenous languages

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at nflc.org
Wed Mar 22 20:18:19 UTC 2000

Heritage Languages Listserve

Date:  Tue, 21 Mar 2000 12:06:22 +0100
From:  "Mily Crevels" <crevels at rullet.leidenuniv.nl>
Subject:  Workshop on Bolivian and Rondonian indigenous languages

Workshop on Bolivian and Rondonian indigenous languages:
Announcement and Call for Papers

For the third consecutive year a Workshop on Amerindian languages will
held at Leiden University between 28-30 September, 2000. This year the
Workshop theme will be:

                    Bolivian and Rondonian indigenous languages

Persons wishing to present a paper at the Workshop are requested to send
three copies of a one-page abstract to the head of the program committee

Simon van de Kerke
Department of Comparative Linguistics (VTW)
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9515
The Netherlands
E-mail: kerke at rullet.leidenuniv.nl

to reach him no later than May 1, 2000. Please note that this deadline
be met.

Each abstract should include the title of the presentation, the author's
name (or authors' names) and mailing address (one mailing address for
multiple authors), including telephone, fax, and e-mail address as
available, the text of the abstract, and references, if necessary.

The program committee will, by May 15, 2000, convey its decision on
acceptance of papers to those submitting abstracts.

The local organizer for the Workshop will be

Mily Crevels
Department of Comparative Linguistics (VTW)
P.O. Box 9515
The Netherlands
E-mail: crevels at rullet.leidenuniv.nl

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