Inquiry: Curricular responses to hispanohablantes at the secondary level

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at
Tue Dec 4 14:09:00 UTC 2001

Please respond directly to this message's originator at:

                laurasl at

We have a growing population of native Spanish speakers (from the
Dominican Republic) who are not served by traditional foreign language
courses at the high school. We are in the process of developing a
Spanish course for hispanohablantes, in which we would like to focus on
literacy skills: reading and writing strategies and some grammar, but
geared to a native speaker's needs. We'd like to choose an anthology of
good literature (like the Sendas series) as the class text and use a
grammar book as a secondary resource. We're wondering how other school
systems are addressing the needs of native Spanish speakers at the high
school level and would appreciate information about texts, syllabi,
resources, etc. Thank you.

Laura Schall-Leckrone
Citywide Foreign Language Coordinator, Salem Public Schools, Salem, MA

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