Conference announcement/call for participants: First Hemispheric Conference on Indigenous Bilingual Education - July, 2001

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Wed Mar 14 15:01:06 UTC 2001

				First Hemispheric Conference on
Indigenous Bilingual Education
				Guatemala City, Guatemala
				July 25-27, 2001

The First Hemispheric Conference on Indigenous Bilingual Education is
intended to create a dialogue among policy-makers, practitioners, and
researchers from countries throughout the Americas where multicultural
and multilingual issues impact upon society and the education system.
Its primary purpose is to promote a sustainable exchange of pedagogical
experiences, methodologies, and policies that yield the structures,
programs, and materials needed to support effective bilingual and
intercultural education in our hemisphere.

Sponsored by World Learning with support from the U.S. Agency for
International Development, the Guatemalan Ministry of Education, the
Conference will facilitate a sustainable exchange of ideas, information,
and approaches relating to the development of bilingual and
intercultural education throughout the Americas.  Among the core areas
of dialogue will be:

*	The educational context of indigenous people of the hemisphere
*	Pedagogical studies and innovative techniques in bilingual and
intercultural education
*	Community-based approaches to indigenous education
*	Effective policies for supporting bilingual and intercultural

The conference will include various programs designed to inaugurate
regional collaboration and partnerships among individuals and
organizations in North, Central, and South America.  Additional
highlights of the conference will be a meeting of the Indigenous
Parliament of America and a marketplace offering indigenous and
bilingual education materials and resources from each of the
participating countries.

For additional information or to register for the conference, please go
to  To participate in the workshops as a
presenter of innovative methods, materials, or policies, please contact:

In the United States:
Naoko Kamioko, World Learning
Tel. (202) 408-5420
E-mail: feria at

In Guatemala:
José Angel Zapeta, World Learning/PAEBI
Tel. (502) 366-2356 or 366-5451
E-mail: feria at

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