Electronic resource: Illinois Measure of Annual Growth in English (IMAGE)

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at nflc.org
Fri Feb 1 18:15:56 UTC 2002

With thanks to Anne Marie Fuhrig -- of possible interest to some of you
out there.

-----Original Message-----
From: FUHRIG ANNE MARIE [mailto:AFUHRIG at isbe.net]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 1:10 PM

Knowing that some of you are indeed coordinating all second language
learning in a state and that you might now need tests, I thought you
might like to have a look at Illinois' reading an writing test for
learners of English, the Illinois Measure of Annual Growth in English
(IMAGE). It is the result of extensive committee work that began in 1994
and has been used since 1997.

As you will see when you open the sample materials on our web site
http://www.isbe.state.il.us/assessment/IMAGE.htm , it is correlated to
the Illinois Language Arts Standards, theme-based with extensive graphic
support and scaffolding, takes about 160 minutes to administer and, as
documented in the Technical Manuals, has pretty good reliability.  If
you have trouble accessing the web site, I'll be happy to mail you hard
copies of the more recent materials.

Please pass this on to any colleagues whom it may concern,

Anne Marie Fuhrig, Ph.D.
Assessment Division, E-216
100 North First Street
Illinois State Board of Education
Springfield, Illinois 62777-0001

Phone: 217/782-4823  Fax: 217/782-6097
website:  <http://www.isbe.state.il.us/assessment/IMAGE.htm>

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