Job: Tenure track position, Native American Studies, Dartmouth College (preferred expertise areas include linguistics) - DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 15 NOVEMBER

McGinnis, Scott smcginnis at
Wed Sep 11 14:49:55 UTC 2002

University or Organization: Dartmouth College
Rank of Job: Rank Open
Specialty Areas Required: General Linguistics, Native American Languages


The Native American Studies program at Dartmouth College invites
applications for a tenure track assistant professor or associate
professor, to begin July 2003. Ph.D. in hand by the time of
appointment. The successful candidate will complement the program's
existing research strengths and course offerings and will hold a joint
appointment with the department appropriate to his/her area of
specialization. The Native American Studies Program is particularly
interested in candidates with expertise in one or more of the
following fields: art history, education, environmental studies,
linguistics, and religion.  Applications should be submitted to Colin
G. Calloway, Chair, Native American Studies, Sherman House, 37 N.
Main Street, Hanover, NH 03755 by Nov. 15, 2002. AA/EOE. Complete
applications should include a letter of interest, a current c.v, three
letters of reference, and a writing sample of not more than 25 pages.

Address for Applications:

	Attn: Dr. Colin Calloway
	Native American Studies, Sherman House
	37 N. Main St., Dartmouth College
	Hanover, NH 03755
	United States of America

	Applications are due by November 15, 2002

Contact Information:
	Colin Calloway.
	Email: colin.calloway at

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