Electronic resource: LPRU website update

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at umail.umd.edu
Thu Jun 17 01:07:00 UTC 2004

LPRU  Language Policy Research Unit (www.language-policy.org)
EPSL  Education Policy Studies Laboratory
Arizona State University

June 15, 2004

LPRU Update

We are pleased to announce a new addition to the Language Policy Research
Unit Website. The LPRU Virtual Library provides links to the full-text of
research articles and reports which are freely available on-line, and which
address issues of language policy. Currently over 90 articles are available
and are organized by the following topic areas:

- Anti-Bilingual Education Initiatives
- Assessment/Testing of Language Minority Students
- Bilingual Education (USA)
- Bilingual/EFL Education and Bilingualism (International)
- Education of Language Minority Students
- Dual Immersion (Two-Way Immersion, Dual Language Programs)
- English-only Movement and Legislation
- Heritage/Community Languages
- Indigenous and Native American Languages

The LPRU Virtual Library can be accessed from the LPRU Homepage
(www.language-policy.org) by clicking on "LPRU Virtual Library".
If you know of any full-text articles related to language policy
(in any language) which are freely available on-line, please send
us the title and link at LPRUlist at asu.edu. LPRU wishes to thank
ASU doctoral student Byeong-Keun You for his assistance in creating this
valuable resource during his internship with LPRU last semester.

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