Symposium/workshop announcement: "Ancient Voices/Modern Tools", August 2004

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at
Wed Mar 24 02:39:00 UTC 2004

Greetings from Seattle!

Registration is now open for "ANCIENT VOICES/MODERN TOOLS: Language and
Tech-Knowledge", to be held on the University of Washington campus in
Seattle from August 20 to 23, 2004.  Hosted in collaboration by Indigenous
Language Institute and the University of Washington, this symposium is in
response to tribal language programs throughout North America and beyond
that want to use computer technology in their language programs.  The goal
of the workshops is to ensure that attendees have a chance to acquire
practical, useful information, and enhanced computer skills to start new or
to strengthen existing language programs.  The 2 1/2 day program will:

1) provide lectures and demonstrations on ways of collecting language
materials, including stories, songs, personal interviews, word lists, and
photographs through audio and audiovisual recordings, digital scanning of
documents and photographs and more;

2) allow participants to explore ideas about what can be taught with old and
newly collected materials and for what purpose;

3) provide opportunities for considering various technologies available for
language programs to present their existing collections in diverse formats
such as games, videos, CDs, interactive CD-ROMs, and more; and

4) help people learn how to put materials onto interactive, multimedia
CD-ROMs using simple programs.

Hands-on "computer camps" will be led by experts who will coach attendees on
the creation of videos, DVDs, CDs or CD-ROMs.  Attendees are expected to
bring materials they wish to use in language instruction such as
photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, old or new documents, and
curriculum materials from current or past indigenous language classes.

In addition we have arranged for an affordable room and board package in the
UW dormitories.  You are not required to stay in the dorms while you
participate in the workshops, but they are much less expensive than most
hotels in Seattle.

Information is available on the conference website:

We are very excited about providing this opportunity to assist you in
discovering the ways in which technology can be used to aid you in your
language preservation efforts.  Please make plans now to join us in Seattle
in August.

Best Regards,

Sue-Ellen Jacobs,  University of Washington
Inee Yang Slaughter,  Indigenous Language Institute

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