CFP: Meeting of American Indigenous Languages -- DEADLINE 31 MARCH 2006

Scott G. McGINNIS smcginni at
Mon Mar 27 15:58:07 UTC 2006

Meeting of American Indigenous Languages (ELIA) 

Date: 15-Jun-2006 - 17-Jun-2006 
Location: Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina 
Contact Person: Ana Fernandez Garay
Meeting Email: anafg at
Web Site:
Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2006 

This first Meeting of American Indigenous Languages is an 
attempt to open a space of discussion on topics related to 
indigenous language research in Argentina and other Latin 
American countries. The aim will be to share common ground 
experience in the diversity of the language studies, and to 
promote new research lines in the different fields of study 
related to indenous languages in Latin American. We invite 
papers dealing with : descriptive linguistics; 
etnolinguistics; sociolinguistics; bilingual indigenous 
education; language acquisition; comparative linguistics; 
historial linguistics; typological studies; lexicography; 
indigenous literature and any other aspect of American 

Dates: The Meeting of American Indigenous Languages (1st 
ELIA conference) will be held June 15-17, 2006, on the 
University of La Pampa, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina. 

Deadline: ABSTRACTS MUST BE RECEIVED by Mar. 31, 2006. The 
program committee will attempt to provide notification of 
acceptance by April. 31 (by e-mail). 

Keynote speaker: Dra. Zarina Estrada Fernández (Sonora 
University, Mexico); . Dra. Angelita Martínez (UBA, 
Argentina); Dr. César Fernández ( Comahue University, 
Argentina); Dra. Cristina Messineo (UBA, Argentina) 

Features to note: 

Sessions will be in Spanish (ponencias en español). 
Abstracts in English can be submitted. . Papers are 20 
minutes each in length, with an additional 10 minutes for 

Abstract submission guidelines: 

- The abstract should be no more than 200 words in length. 
It should include the title of the paper and the name (or 
names) of the author/authors, together with the 
author's/authors' affiliation and thematic are, email and 
postal address. (If the paper is accepted, this abstract 
will be reproduced in conference materials to be distributed 
to other participants.) 

- Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail. Submissions 
should be in Microsoft Word document, Rich Text Format 
(RTF), or Portable Document Format (PDF); New Roman 12. If 
possible, avoid special fonts (or arrange with the 
organizers so they can be read). 

Dra. Ana Fernández Garay; 
Dra. Marisa Malvestitti; 
Lic. María Inés Poduje; 
or send your subcription and abstract by mail to: Comisión 
Organizadora del Encuentro de Lenguas Indígenas Americanas, 
Instituto de Lingüística, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, 
Coronel Gil 353, 3er piso, C. P. 6300, Santa Rosa, La Pampa 

Sponsors: The sponsors of this Meeting of American 
Indigenous Languages are: (1) The Institute of Linguisitics 
of the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of La Pampa (2) 
Sub Secretary of Culture of the Government of La Pampa, and 
the Department of Literature of the UNLPam. 


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