[HERITAGE-LIST] Summer institute: Canadian Indigenous Languages & Literacy Development

Scott G. McGINNIS smcginni at UMD.EDU
Tue Jan 22 18:36:53 UTC 2008

Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Development Institute
Departments of Elementary and Secondary Education, Linguistics, and the Faculty of Native Studies
July 7-25, 2008
The University of Alberta is pleased to present the ninth annual Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Development Institute over the course of three weeks in July 2008.  This program provides a unique opportunity to earn university credit while learning about selected Indigenous languages and culture.  

Location: Education North Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
Course Offerings: Courses will be offered in one of two blocks (for three credit courses) or in both blocks (for 6 credit courses).  Each block is 7 ½ days long.  Students may register for a maximum of one course per block (*3) from the following course listings; Students may alternatively choose to take one six credit (*6) course for the duration of CILLDI.  Each course will meet for five hours per day for each block of the Institute.  
BLOCK 1: July 7-16, 2008
EDEL 395- Introduction to Language and Literacy Development (*3)
EDEL 496/595-Developing Classroom Materials and Curriculum for Indigenous 
Languages (*3)
EDEL 496/EDEL 595-Sustaining Language and Culture through Traditional Knowledge 
and Practices (*3)
INT D 312-Techniques for Endangered Language Documentation and Teacher Resource 
Development (*3)
LING 111 -Introduction to Linguistic Analysis for Indigenous Language Revitalization 
LING 212-Morphosyntax of Indigenous Languages (*3)
NS 103 -Cree Immersion for Adult Beginners (*3)
EDES 402/502-Significant Aboriginal Sites in the Edmonton Area: A Place-Based Curricular and Pedagogical Inquiry. (*6, both blocks)
BLOCK 2: July 16-25, 2008
EDEL 496/EDEL 595-Second Language Acquisition: Teaching Indigenous Languages in 
an Immersion Context (*3)
EDEL 496/595-Assessment in Indigenous Languages Classrooms (*3)
EDEL 595-Policy and Planning for Indigenous Language and Literacy Development (*3)
INT D 313-Language Policy and Planning for Indigenous Language Communities (*3)
LING 211-Phonetics of Indigenous Languages (*3)
LING 213-Sentence and Discourse Patterns of Indigenous Languages (*3)
NS 104-The Structure of Cree through Immersion (*3)
Tuition fees (in Canadian dollars) are:  Undergraduate - $612.51 (3 credits); Graduate - $670.09 (3 credits).  Additional costs include a $100 application fee, housing, and food.  For housing on campus, contact Guest Services, Lister Hall (780) 492-6056.  CILLDI also includes an Elders Cultural Program and children’s Cree Immersion Day Camp.  For additional information, contact CILLDI office at (780) 492-4188 or Anna-Leah King, CILLDI Coordinator at (780) 492-8761.  The CILLDI office can also be reached by e-mail at cilldi at ualberta.ca, or visit our website at www.ualberta.ca/~cilldi.
Community Linguist Certificate Program Bursaries
The Community Linguist Certificate is a new program offered through CILLDI to help develop linguistic analysis skills and language documentation techniques in speakers of Canada’s Indigenous languages.  For more information, and to apply for a bursary for the program, please see the CILLDI website (www.ualberta.ca/~cilldi ).  CLC bursaries cover the costs of tuition, travel, accommodation and meals.
Landrex Bursaries
Dr. Sally Rice, CILLDI co-director and frequent CILLDI instructor from the Department of Linguistics has been named the Landrex Distinguished Professor for 2007-2012 in the Faculty of Arts.  As part of this award, Dr. Rice has created five annual CILLDI bursaries for the five years of the Professorship (or 25 bursaries in all).  These bursaries are dedicated to CILLDI students from the Treaty 6 area (including both Alberta and Saskatchewan).  For more information, please see the CILLDI website.  Landrex bursaries cover the costs of tuition, travel, accommodation and meals.

University of Alberta
551 Education South
Edmonton AB  T6G 2G5

ph. (780) 492-4188
fax (780) 492-7622 

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