Dear all,<br>I'd like to bring histling subscribers' attention to the LSA's eLanguage cojournal site (<a href=""></a>). eLanguage is set up as a set of "cojournals" (that is, independent journals with their own editorial boards and referee process), but with a single web host and related infrastructure. <br>
<br>It would be great if historical linguistics had its own cojournal. Some informal discussions I've had would indicate that there's considerable interest in a new historical journal, that the current outlets for historical journal publications have no shortage of quality submissions and that a new publication would not hurt them, and that it would be a good way to raise the profile of our field.<br>
<br>Would someone be interested in taking this on? Information about proposing a cojournal can be found here: <a href=""></a> Perhaps a small group of histling subscribers would be interested in getting together to put a proposal together? (note, I'm not volunteering; unfortunately, I just don't have the time.)<br>