<div align="center"><b><i>Third International Seminar on Vedic
26-30 March, 2012<br>
Mon. 26
14-16 Thomas Krisch (Universität Salzburg)<br>
<u>Introduction, presentation of RIVELEX and text analysis 1. <br>
</u>Scheduled Contents: Short Introduction to the Vedic language and its
literature; presentation of the Salzburg Rigveda lexicon (Powerpoint);
cursory reading of an interesting Rigvedic text (Creation Hymn 10,
129) with notes on the intensive.<br>
Tue. 27
14-16 Malhar Kulkarni (IIT Mumbai) “Vedic accent and Paninian
Wed. 28
14-16 Thomas Krisch (Universität Salzburg)<br>
<u>Text analysis 2 and Vedic grammar<br>
</u>Scheduled contents: Yama and Yam (RV 10,10) with textual
linguistic notes, notes on etymology etc. an more comprehensive
grammatical excursus on the injunctive, the perfects with a long vowel in
the reduplication syllable, the origins of the length of auslauting
Thur. 29
14-16 Eystein Dahl (Universitetet i Bergen)<br>
Reading from <i>Shatapatha brahmana<br>
</i> <br>
30 11-13
Vedic/Thomas Krisch (Universität Salzburg) <br>
<u>Text analysis 3 and selected issues in Vedic historical and
comparative Grammar<br>
</u>Scheduled contents: reading (parts of) a mythological
Rigveda-text ( Indra as a dragon-slayer RV 1,32) with notes on PIE
religion and poetic language; topics in Vedic historical phonology
(Brugmann’s law) and syntax (Wackernagel’s law)<br>
14-16<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Eystein Dahl
(Universitetet i Bergen)<br>
Reading from <i>Shatapatha brahmana<br>
</i> <br>
For further information: Prof. Silvia Luraghi, luraghi@unipv.it<br><br>
Silvia Luraghi<br>
Dipartimento di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata<br>
Università di Pavia<br>
Strada Nuova 65<br>
I-27100 Pavia<br>
telef.: +39-0382-984685<br>
fax: +39-0382-984487<br>
<a href="http://lettere.unipv.it/diplinguistica/docenti.php?&id=68" eudora="autourl">