Max Muller Query

Michael Montgomery N270053 at UNIVSCVM.SC.EDU
Fri Dec 6 22:45:34 UTC 1996

The following quotation is from a short essay "Ulster Modes of Speech"
by William Cowan that was published in _Chambers's Journal_ in 1912.  I
am trying to discover what publication, if any, of Max Muller's the
author may be referring to:
  " ... it may be well to note that Professor Max Muller some years ago
  drew attention to the interest which attaches to Belfast vernacular
  partly derived from those English colonists who followed the
  Chichesters into Ireland, thus `linking Belfast idioms with the English
  of Chaucer and Shakespeare'."
Any suggestions on where I might find what Muller may have written on
the English language as spoken in Ireland would be greatly appreciated.
Michael Montgomery
Department of English
University of South Carolina
Columbia SC 29208
email: n270053 at

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