Ainu & Gilyak, Japanese & Korean

Alexander Vovin vovin at HAWAII.EDU
Sat Mar 29 03:49:29 UTC 1997

Continuing on the nutshell evidence for the relationship of Japanese,
Korean, and Tungusic.
Old Japanese               Middle Korean            Tungusic
----                       -W- < *bV                Manchu -bu-, Evk. -w-
                           relic causative          causative/passive
                        MK solW- "inform",
                          alwoy- 'let know'
                        cf. sol- say', al- 'know'
-(a)ku                      -key, -kuy              Manchu -ge in -ngge
deverbal noun             gerund                    (nominalizer)
(action verbs),
gerund (quality verbs)
-as-                        -osi-, -usi-            --------
politeness marker          politness marker
I believe it might be useful to provide a list of primary verbal suffixes
in all three languages, for which at the present no external parallels can
be suggested:
Old Japanese: iterative -ap-, causative -sase-, passive -raye-
Middle Korean: gerund -kwo, deverbal noun -ti, 'emphatic' -wo/wu-, emotive
Manchu: conditional -ci, optative -ki
     It is quite clear that most primary verbal markers in any language
have external parallels in other two.
Old Japanese            Middle Korean               Tungusic
-i                         -i                       -------
active                   ergative
-no2                       -~n                        *-~n (can be recon-
                                                   structed only)
genitive                 genitive                   genitive
-wo < *-bo             OK G"il < *bV-l              Manchu -be, Evenki -wa
absolutive/accusative    "accusative"                 accusative
-tu                       -----                       -du (manchu -de)
genitive-locative                                   dative/locative
-ra                      Old Korean -la              -laa (not in Manchu)
locative                 locative                    locative
-ywo <*duCa,-yu<*du      -----------                 -duk (not in Manchu)
ablative                                             ablative
------------             *-li (like in ili)          -lii
                         lative                      prolative
OLd Japanese             Middle Korean               Tungusic
-tati                    -tolh                       ? Manchu -ta
polite pl.               plural marker               relic plural marker
-ra                      ----                        -l
Old Japanese             Middle Korean               Tungusic
wa- < *ba(n) "I, we"     wuli < *(b)uli (see note)   bi 'I', Manchu be,
                                                     Evenki bu 'we'
si, so2- 'thou'          -------                     si 'thou'
na 'thou', 'you'         ne 'thou', ne-huy 'you'     ------
NOTE: correspondence of MK zero to OJ w- and Tungusic b- is irregular, p-
would be expected. However, there are two other good examples supporting
this irregular correspondence:
Old Japanese             Middle Korean               Tungusic
wi- < bi- "is", "exists"  is- 'id'                   bi-, bisi- 'id.'
The fact that Korean once had p- there is supported by the negative form
of the same verb: eps- < *e-pis- "is not, does not exist'
pi 'ice'                 :el- < *elV- 'freeze'       bu-kse
                          el-um 'ice'                'ice'
OJ word is a good match: it has an initial LOW register, reflecting
original *b- (see the note in the beginning of the previous posting).
Old Japanese             Middle Korean               Tungusic
ko2- 'this'              ku 'that'                   ------
---------                i 'this'                    e- 'this'
--------                 tye 'that over there'       te- 'that'
Old Japanese             Middle Korean               Tungusic
-------                  Early MK twubul(h) 2         juwe 2
myi- < mi- 3              MK seyh, -~ne 3       *(~n)"ila-n 3
                          < *~ne
yo2- < *do2- 4           neyh < *de- 4          Manchu duin,Evk diGin 4
itu- 5                   ta-sos 5           Manchu sunja, Evk tung~na 5
mu- 6                    -----             Manchu ninngun,Evk.~nungu-n 6
nana- 7                  -----                      nada-n 7
ya- < *da- 8             ----                       *ja(b) 8
ko2ko2no2- 9             ----                       *xeg"u-n 9
to2wo < *to2bo 10           ----                    juwa-n 10
mwomwo 100              -------                   Evk. ~nama
NOTE: there is an untrivial correspondence of OJ m- to Tungusic ~n- in
this chart. Also, in J dentals and palatals merged as dentals.
Old Japanese            Middle Korean            Tungusic
-do2 <ni-to                     two                     -----
concessive gerund      focus particle "even",
pa                     pa
topic marker           focus particle            ------
ka                     ka                       *xa- WH-word
question particle      question particle
This concludes a nutshell morphological evidence for the relationship of
Japanese, Korean, and Tungusic. Please let me know if you want
nutshell lexical evidence.
Alexander Vovin

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