Minutes, XIII. ICHL

Dorothy Disterheft DISTERH at UNIVSCVM.SC.EDU
Fri Oct 17 22:38:14 UTC 1997

Note: The following report has been sent both to HISTLING and to
current members of the International Society of Historical Linguistics.
Apologies to those who receive both mailings.
                 Minutes of the Business Meeting,
              XIII. ICHL, Duesseldorf August 15, 1997
1. President's report
Dieter Stein thanked his staff for their help in
organizing the conference; he also acknowledged funding from the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Heinrich Heine University,
The deadline for submitting papers for inclusion in the proceedings is
September 15. Contributors should submit three hard copies which should
be no more than 20 double-spaced pages with generous margins (Times 12
font); no diskettes are to be sent until  papers have been accepted for
inclusion. The volume will be refereed and carry the title Historical
Linguistics 1997.
2. Past President's report, John Charles Smith on behalf of Nigel
Following the extremely large number of high-quality papers
submitted for publication (of the 120 or so papers presented, 62 were
submitted, and, after anonymous external refereeing, 43 of these were
accepted), there will be two volumes deriving from the general sessions
of the Twelfth ICHL (Manchester 1995), which will appear under the title
Historical Linguistics 1995.  Volume 1, edited by John Charles Smith and
Delia Bentley, will deal with general issues and non-Germanic languages;
volume 2, edited by Richard Hogg and Linda van Bergen, will be devoted
to Germanic languages. Both volumes will be published by John Benjamins,
of Amsterdam and Philadelphia, and will appear early in 1998.
Nigel Vincent is editing a volume containing most of the plenary talks and
the papers given at the workshop on syntactic change. Arrangements for
publication of the papers presented at the other two workshops are being
handled by the respective organizers.
3. Future Conference Organizer's report
Laurel Brinton announced that XIV. ICHL  will be held in
Vancouver, August 9-13, 1999. The e-mail address for the conference is
ichlxiv at interchange.ubc.ca. Abstracts will be due by October 15, 1998.
Workshop proposals should be submitted by June 1998.
1. HISTLING, the electronic discussion list dedicated to historical
linguistics, is flourishing with over 480 subscribers. While it is the
official e-mail list of ISHL, nonmembers are also welcome to join. Those
who would like to be added to the list should contact Dorothy
2. The viability of ISHL depends upon the willingness of its members to
host conferences. To be truly international, the Society encourages
conferences to be held in as many areas of the world as possible. After
this conference, ICHL will leave Europe to be held in North America and
then in Australia (if the current nomination is approved by members).
After that, it will be time for ICHL to return to Europe, but as of now,
no expressions of interest have come from Europe, while two universities
in North America have indicated their interest for 2003. The secretary
encouraged nominations from Europe in order to continue the rotation;
all inquiries should be directed to Marianne Mithun
(mithun at humanitas.ucsb.edu), who will chair the Nominating Committee.
3. The deaths of two ISHL members, Andrzej Danchev and Otmar Werner,
were announced.
4. Dorothy Disterheft will soon set up a permanent web page for ISHL; it
will contain information on past conferences and conference proceedings,
along with links to the current conference.
5. The following slate from the Nominating Committee was moved by the
President                   Laurel Brinton, Vancouver, BC
Future Conference Director  Barry Blake, Melbourne, Australia
Secretary                   Dorothy Disterheft, Columbia, SC
Former President            Dieter Stein, Duesseldorf, Germany
Member (till 2003)          Kate Burridge, Melbourne, Australia
Member (till 2005)          Martin Maiden, Oxford, England
The nominees were elected unanimously.
This results in the following membership of the two standing committees:
President                  Laurel Brinton, Vancouver, British Columbia
Future Conference Director Barry Blake, Melbourne, Australia
Former President           Dieter Stein, Dsseldorf, Germany
Secretary                  Dorothy Disterheft, Columbia, South Carolina
Member (1999)              Sheila Embleton, York, Ontario
Member (2001)              Alice Harris, Nashville, Tennessee
Member (2003)              Kate Burridge, Melbourne, Australia
Chair (1999)               Marianne Mithun, Santa Barbara, California
Member (2001)              Roger Wright, Liverpool, England
Member (2003)              Bernd Heine, Cologne, Germany
Member (2005)              Martin Maiden, Oxford, England
XV. ICHL will be held in August 2001 in downtown Melbourne, after the
Pacific Rim Conference in Santa Barbara.
1. Denis Dumas, University of Quebec at Montreal, publicly declared his
interest in hosting an ICHL, if not in 2003, then in 2005.
2. Yuri Kleiner, University of St. Petersburg, announced the formation
of the Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg, which will publish a
journal in Russian and English. Information will be forthcoming
(kleiner at yka.usr.pu.ru).
3. Wallace Chafe, University of California at Santa Barbara, led an
expression of thanks to Dieter Stein for hosting such a successful
Minutes prepared by Dorothy Disterheft, Secretary
Linguistics Program
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
disterh at vm.sc.edu

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