Dolgopolsky's new book

manaster at manaster at
Fri Apr 10 11:33:49 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
What I meant is that Illich put things together
in a different way than earlier IEnist had done,
and I believe he may have been right.  As for
Latin -a-, this is known to occur in many many
forms where no other IE lg has it (recent work
by the Leiden school esp. has tried to explain
the Latin -a- problem), and I dont think anyone
would posit a laryngeal or a PIE *-a- just
on the basis of the Latin, much as no one
would do it for any of the other Latin a's.
On Thu, 9 Apr 1998, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:
> He does refer to Pokorny pp. 586-587 *ke(:)t- *kot- "Wohnraum
> (urspruengl. ,Erdloch als Wohngrube'?)", which coincides with I-S's
> etymology in the Iranian (kata-, kad), Gothic (he:thjo:) and Latin
> (cati:nus, [catillus > kettle]) forms.  OCS kotIcI "cella, Nest"
> provides the link with the Slavic forms listed by Illich-Svitych,
> which Pokorny lists under 1. *kat- "flechtend zusammendrehen etc."
> (the OCS form under both etymologies [!]).  This entry *kat- contains
> some additional *a forms not included by Illich-Svitych (except the
> already mentioned Lat. cati:nus, "s nejasnym a"): Lat. cate:na,
> cassis, casa and ?caterva; Welsh cader, OIr. cathir "city".
> Semantically there is no reason to exclude these (Latin cate:na and
> casa resume the two main semantic developments that Illich-Svitych
> posits for the Nostratic root), but the *a is indeed problematic.
> The problem is of course internal to IE, but its resolution determines
> which forms are comparable to the posited PN *  One might think
> of a laryngeal (*keh1t-/*kh1t-) for the Gothic and Latin/Celtic forms,
> and exclude them from the Nostratic comparison.  Or of a Pre-PIE *a
> that somehow did not shift to either *e or *o [comparable to the *k's
> that are neither palatal *k^ nor labiovelar *kw].  Or one might
> consider if there's a relation with words such as "hut" (*(s)keu-d-)
> and "cot" (*geu-d-), and think of a Pre-PIE alternation *a/*aw [Lat.
> canis ~ PIE *kw[o]n-, Germ. *hauf-uth ~ PIE *kap-ut-] which would
> exclude those forms that are to be derived from Pokorny's ,Erdloch als
> Wohngrube' (*k[a]wt ~ *kat- ??) as opposed to the wattle-related words
> (*ket- ~ *kot-).
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv at
> Amsterdam

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