*, ** and raised crosses

Theo Vennemann tvn at cis.uni-muenchen.de
Wed Jun 10 14:29:57 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Richard Hogg <MFCEPRH at fs1.art.man.ac.uk> writes:
> As you know, I have long been arguing for the use of "*" [plus
> phonetic script] for postulating reconstructable spoken forms, and
> "**" for denying the form's existence (your point 3); could you
> enter "**" as a separate entry?
I recommend the raised cross for reconstructed forms (respecting,
of course, the usage of cited authors), and the asterisk for incorrect
forms. Two crosses will then mark reconstructions of the second
degree, and two asterisks, extremely bad or universally impossible
This is the kind of notation you more or less have to use if you move,
as I do, between historical linguistics and and grammatical description,
without wanting to become inconsistent with yourself or schizophrenic.
Hello, Richard!
Theo Vennemann
10 June 1998

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