ANNOUNCE - Indo-Iranian linguistics mailing list

Daniel Baum msdbaum at
Fri Jun 26 16:29:15 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
After receiving a good response to my previous postings, this is to announce
the formation of a new Indo-Iranian linguistics mailing list.
All those who answered the previous posting should have received a personal
invitation to join.
List description
This is a list for the discussion of Indo-Iranian linguistics. While the
main focus of the list will be Vedic and Avestan, discussion of any
Indo-Iranian linguistic topic will be welcome.
All aspects of these languages, e.g. phonology, morphology, syntax, text
linguistics, and historical and comparative linguistics may be discussed,
while any other language, whether non-IE Indian, or other branches of IE,
will be considered off-topic unless it is relevant in some way to
All linguistic "schools' are welcome, as long as the topic of discussion
remains Indo-Iranian.
To subscribe, send an empty message to indo_iranian-subscribe at
Daniel Baum
msdbaum at
Home Page
Tel: ++972-2-583-6634; Mob. ++972-51-972-829

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