XI UCLA Indo-European Conference

Chris Wilhelm cwilhelm at ucla.edu
Tue Nov 3 13:20:29 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I would like to announce the Eleventh UCLA Indo-Eurpoean Conference,
to be held 4-5 June, 1999, on the UCLA Campus.
The Abstract deadline is 1 March, 1999.
Contact:  Christopher Wilhelm, Coordinator
        100 Dodd Hall, UCLA
        405 Hilgard Ave.
        Los Angeles, CA  90095
        Tel:  (310) 825-4171 (daytimes)
        (310) 473-4223 (eves. & weekeends)
        Fax:  (310) 206-1903
        e-mail:  iesa at ucla.edu
                cwilhelm at ucla.edu

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